
Continous integration with Travis-CI

The project is using Travis-CI service for continuous integration and testing.

Current build status is:

Build Status

If you are submitting a patch or pull request please make sure it does not break the build.

Running tests locally

Tests are implemented with pytest, so use one of:

$ pytest –pyargs pywt -v

There are also older doctests that can be run by performing the following from the root of the project source.

$ python pywt/tests/test_doc.py $ cd doc $ make doctest

Additionally the examples in the demo subfolder can be checked by running:

$ python util/refguide_check.py

Note: doctests require Matplotlib in addition to the usual dependencies.

Running tests with Tox

There’s also a config file for running tests with Tox (pip install tox). To for example run tests for Python 3.7 and 3.8 use:

tox -e py37,py38

For more information see the Tox documentation.